Journal Details


Synlett Cover
Issues per Year
Starting Year
Publication Model
Impact Factor
APCs in € & $
€3230 / $3450
APCs in $
OA License Types
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About the Journal

Editorial Board

SYNLETT Authors and Reviewers Information

SYNLETT is an international journal reporting research results and trends in synthetic organic chemistry in short personalized reviews and preliminary communications. It covers all fields of scientific endeavor that involve organic synthesis.

SYNLETT is published 20 times per year and is characterized by a fast and rigorous refereeing system and publication times of 3 months as well as its flexible format for Letters (no 2 or 4page straitjacket). It is listed in the most important databases: Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Chemical Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Research Alert, Scisearch, Index Chemicus, Chemistry Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, Reaction Citation Index, and Biological Abstracts.

SYNLETT offers the following special features to the reader:

Reasons to Publish

Web-based manuscript submission
Rigorous peer-review by leading specialists
Fast Select Crowd Review possible
Rapid online publication (also as accepted manuscript)
High-quality editorial services
Complete online access to all published articles
Open Access publishing available
CC BY-NC-ND and/or CC BY license
Global readership
Listing in major indexing and abstracting services
International editorial board
Impact Factor journal
Best Paper Award (all original papers eligible)
Publication of Special Issues
Highlighting selected articles on the cover, in Synform or as News on the website
Social media coverage of content
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