Journal Details

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Cover
Issues per Year
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Impact Factor
APCs in € & $
€3230 / $3450
APCs in $
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About the Journal

The Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery is a peer-reviewed, indexed journal that provides an international forum for the publication of articles focusing on reconstructive microsurgery and complex reconstructive surgery. The journal was originally established in 1984 for the microsurgical community to publish and share academic papers.

The Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery provides the latest in original research spanning basic laboratory, translational, and clinical investigations. Review papers cover current topics in complex reconstruction and microsurgery. In addition, special sections discuss new technologies, innovations, materials, and significant problem cases.

The journal welcomes controversial topics, editorial comments, book reviews, and letters to the Editor, in order to complete the balanced spectrum of information available in the Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery. All articles undergo stringent peer review by international experts in the specialty.

The Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery is available in print and online. Articles published ahead of print are available via the eFirst service on the Thieme E-Journals platform.

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Abstracting and indexing:

Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Current Contents/ClinicalMedicine, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, Research Alert, Scopus, Scisearch, EBSCO, ProQuest

Reasons to Publish

Web-based manuscript submission
Rigorous peer-review by leading specialists
High-quality editorial services
Complete online access to all published articles
Global Readership
Open Access publishing available
Listing in major indexing and abstracting services
International editorial board
Impact Factor journal
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