Journal Details
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B

About the Journal
The Journal of Neurological Surgery (JNLS) publishes in two parts:
JNLS Part A: Central European Neurosurgery
JNLS Part B: Skull Base
The Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base (JNLS B) is a major publication from the world's leading publisher in neurosurgery. JNLS B currently serves as the official organ of several national and international neurosurgery and skull base societies.
JNLS B is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original research, review articles, and technical notes covering all aspects of neurological surgery. The focus of JNLS B includes microsurgery as well as the latest minimally invasive techniques, such as stereotactic-guided surgery, endoscopy, and endovascular procedures. JNLS B is devoted to the techniques and procedures of skull base surgery.
The Journal of Neurological Surgery is accompanied by JNLS Reports, an Open Access journal for case reports on neurosurgery and skull base surgery.
The Journal of Neurological Surgery is available in print and online. Articles published ahead of print are available via the eFirst service on the Thieme E-Journals platform.
Official Journal of
North American Skull Base Society
British Skull Base Society
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Schaedelbasischirurgie
European Skull Base Society
World Federation of Skull Base Societies
Japanese Society For Skull Base Surgery
Korean Skull Base Society
Affiliated with
Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery
German Academy of Neurological Surgery (GANS)
Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS)
Abstracting and indexing:
Journal Citation Reports (JCR), PubMed Central (PMC), Embase, Scopus, Index Medicus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents - Clinical Medicine, EBSCO, ProQuest
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