Journal Details
Journal of Academic Ophthalmology

2475-4757Starting Year
2017Publication Model
Open AccessAPCs in € & $
€2440 / $2440OA License Types
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About the Journal
As of 2024, this journal is no longer published by Thieme. In case of any questions please contact the new publisher, Digital Commons.
The Journal of Academic Ophthalmology is a peer-reviewed journal that serves as a national and international forum for the publication and scholarly exchange of ideas and information of interest to academic ophthalmology, including medical education, resident and fellow training, research in health education, policy, and regulation. The journal is an electronic, peer-reviewed publication for articles contributing to the advancement of academic ophthalmology. The journal has a diverse editorial board consisting of leaders in the field of academic ophthalmology.
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Academic Ophthalmology undergo rigorous blind peer review. As an Open Access publication, all articles in the Journal of Academic Ophthalmology are freely available for all to read and download from Thieme E-Journals.
For information about how to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Academic Ophthalmology, including details about the publication fee, please see the author instructions.
Journal of Academic Ophthalmology is the official journal of the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO ).
Abstracting and indexing:
The Journal of Academic Ophthalmology requires that authors follow the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals. More information can be found here: