Journal Details

Journal of Wrist Surgery

Journal of Wrist Surgery Cover
Issues per Year
Starting Year
Publication Model
Impact Factor

Journal Scope

The Journal of Wrist Surgery covers a range of issues relating to the investigation and treatment of disorders and injuries of the wrist. In addition to original peer-review articles, this periodical provides details on emerging surgical techniques and new technologies, special focus sections and case reports. The journal also offers the nouvelle concept of peer-reviewed surgical videos.

The Journal of Wrist Surgery is available in print and online. Articles published ahead of print are available via the eFirst service on the Thieme E-Journals platform.

Official journal of the International Wrist Arthroscopy Society
Affiliated society: Asia Pacific Wrist Association

Abstracting and indexing:

EMBASE, ESCI, PubMed Central, EBSCO, ProQuest

Reasons to Publish

Abstracting and indexing: ESCI, PubMed, DOAJ, EBSCO, ProQuest
Official journal of the International Wrist Arthroscopy Society
Affiliated society: Asia Pacific Wrist Association
International editorial board lead by Professor Toshiyasu Nakamura
Speedy publication
At initial submission, authors can submit articles in the format of their choice
Fair, constructive, and timely peer-review
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